Gardener of the Year

The DGT Gueterbock Gardener of the Year Award

The award has been created in memory of William Gueterbock (1930-2022), President and Founder Member of the Dorset Gardens Trust, in recognition of his enormous contribution over many years to this charity.

The annual prize of £750 is awarded to a professional gardener for a completed project within the county within the last five years. The award is open to gardeners working in public or private parks and gardens, and is judged by a panel of Dorset horticultural specialists.

The award aims to raise awareness of the value of gardeners, whose hard work and dedication is often under-appreciated yet provides pleasure for so many people in creating and maintaining Dorset's gardens.

Individual gardeners may apply, or they can be recommended by employers or garden owners.

We are accepting applications for the 2023 Gardener of the Year Award from now until July 31st 2023, to allow photos to be taken in spring/early summer and while the gardens are still looking good for the judges to view.

To apply, either download the Application Form or complete the electronic form below.

Electronic Application Form