Supporting Education
“Gardens are a natural sustainable resource that has the capacity to offer curricular, social and emotional benefits to pupils”
- National Foundation for Educational Research
Objectives of Our Work
To encourage school
gardeningTo demonstrate that school gardens can be a resource for learning across the curriculum
To offer practical advice and means of support
To enable teachers to share gardening ideas
To offer grants and advice on seeking further funding
Come and join us
Working with schools to develop their gardens is a very rewarding experience. We would like to encourage more DGT members to volunteer for our Schools group . Help is welcome in all areas but in particular we are looking for coverage in the following areas:
Bournemouth, West Dorset, Sherborne Purbeck.
If interested please contact
Nurturing Young Gardeners in Dorset Schools
From growing food to undertaking nature studies, teaching practical skills to lessons on sustainability, or as a quiet area for troubled, young minds, the school garden fulfils many roles.
Aimed at First, Middle and Special Needs schools, the DGT Schools Group can help in a number of ways:
Newsletter A regular newsletter which contains gardening advice, details of current projects, competitions and even giveaways. To subscribe to the newsletter, please contact us schools@dorsetgardenstrust.co.uk
Advice . We are able to offer advice on funding, creating and running your school garden project. In addition to our school visitors, we have two schools ambassadors who have extensive experience of running school gardens and would be happy to share ideas with you.
Training. We hold regular Twilight training sessions across the county. These free after-school sessions provide teachers, teaching assistants and parent volunteers with ideas to maximise use of the school garden and the development of outdoor learning relevant to the school curriculum. By focusing the Twilight sessions on a particular area of the county, we hope that schools will work together and share ideas in a local network.
Grants. We may be able to offer grants to help fund a gardening project or to send a member of staff on a Royal Horticultural Society training course. Since its inception, the DGT Schools Group has awarded numerous grants to Dorset schools. For further information about the grants process, please use the email address . schools@dorsetgardenstrust.co.uk
Do get in touch
To subscribe to our newsletter or discuss any of your school gardening needs please contact the DGT Schools group at schools@doretgardenstrust.co.uk stating your name and contact details and the name and address of your school.